"Still – in a way – nobody sees a flower – really –
it is so small – we haven’t time – and to see takes time,
like to have a friend takes time."
-Georgia O'Keeffe
Ten Things I Realized Last Week
1. I cannot get all my planning done in one week. I tried starting on History Odyssey while SC was at piano lessons, but I needed more space to spread out than the tiny bench afforded. Also, I didn't have my computer handy, so I couldn't look up all the reading recommendations to figure out what is going to work for us. No wonder so many homeschool moms spend all summer creating their next year's plans.
2. The tiny planner/calendar I bought is not going to fit everything I need to write down. Even if I write small (which is fairly difficult for me), I still am needing more than one line per subject to make sure I have everything I need to know in the planner. I have since created an excel spreadsheet that is modeled after the Sonlight lesson plans, but have yet to actually put any plans into this spreadsheet.
3. We aren't going to really be able to start school until October 8. This realization came as I looked at the calendar at piano lessons and tried to see how I would arrange the weekly lessons into the three sessions I have planned in my original schedule (two long on Mon/Wed, one short on Fri to finish up anything we need to). Part of the problem is reflected in number one, that I cannot get everything planned in a week like I thought, and part of the problem is reflected in number eight, that we will be out of town for the next two weekends and SC will be spending that time with her grandparents. Yay that homeschooling allows this manipulation.
4. I checked out more books from the library than I can read before I have to return them. If you remember from a few weeks ago, I made a list of books that I wanted to read this year as I learn about the various styles of education. Well, genius me decided that I should just check them all out at once! Also, I got two young adult novels that recently came out that I want to read as well. So, now most of my library books are due and I have barely even started on the pile. Maybe after I send them back I will plan better to space them out over the course of the year.
5. I haven't read anything since AC came home from his last trip. This may somewhat contribute to number four, but I also haven't read anything fun and relaxing. Usually when he is gone I will put SC to bed and then turn on the tv for background noise while I read "fun" books. Now that he is back, I try to spend as much time as possible with him in the evenings.
6. SC has no emotional attachment to anything, including AC and I. Due to this, typical discipline is not working. I mean that you can explain to her that her behavior will exclude her from an activity, or that her toys will be donated to children who will take better care of them, or that she will miss out seeing AC come home or participating with me or AC in some activity due to her behavior, and none of this changes her behavior. When we follow through with these explanations, like actually taking toys away, putting her to bed before AC gets home, or missing an activity, she gets upset, but only for a few minutes, and then she is over it and the behavior does not change.
7. I really need to quit having cheat meals with dairy or wheat because I feel miserable. I do really well for a while sticking to eating Paleo, but sometimes I just really want a milkshake or a hamburger with a bun, and then I get into a rut where I eat them all the time. Then it manifests into other things, like the amazing Dunkin Donuts Vanilla Chai Latte or breaded items like onion rings and chicken fried steak, and my allergies are back and I am rushing to the bathroom after every meal. I love eating cleanly, just meat, fruits and veggies, and I don't know why I talk myself into needing these "treats" that make me feel so poorly.
8. We are going to be out of town for the next two weekends. Also, these are both "long" weekends, as I leave Friday to head five hours south (see number nine), and then leave next Thursday to go to San Francisco with AC for a brief weekend trip. This means we have a lot to do to get ready this week (including getting the house in order) so that we can be gone.
9. I am nervous about being a bridesmaid. I have never been a bridesmaid before, and having only participated in my wedding (where there were no attendants, just AC and I), I don't know what to expect. I also have to drive about five hours on Friday to get there for the rehearsal, and then drive five hours back on Sunday, all by myself because AC is leaving Saturday for a work trip. I have never driven that long before alone, so I guess I am nervous about that too.
10. I think the creators of the advertising for Assassins Creed III have missed their target audience, because I am totally enamored with the commercials I have seen and really want to get this game. Problem is, I don't really play video games, nor have the time to play something as complex as this one. AC said maybe I should start with the free demo.

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